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Interior design of a smart apartment for a girl. Residential complex Kakhovskaya, Kyiv

To create an interior design for a studio apartment for a young girl who loves minimalism, is fond of yoga, reading and does not like to cook. Make a spacious living area for meetings with friends.

Interior Design made in the current style "Japandi" is a mixture of Scandinavian and Japanese styles. This style is perfect for small spaces. it has no extra details. Simple shapes create a harmonious space geometry, textures of natural materials and light colors make the room cozy and quite spacious. We moved the kitchen to the corridor in order to put a full bed and a sofa for guests in the room. The main accent is a decorative partition that divides the room into two parts: a bedroom and a living room. In addition to the decorative function, this partition also serves as a rack for books and live plants, has several sections with cabinets for storage, as well as a section with a small bar area. The bed is comfortably and discreetly placed in a niche. The decoration in this part will be a decorative wall painting. To enjoy a beautiful panorama of the city from the window, we enlarged the window sills and hung a hammock chair.

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