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Brand zone design (Shop in Shop) Kleiberit

Develop the KLEIBERIT brand zone for placement in the "shop-in-shop" format. The task was to tell in point of sale design the main advantages of the brand, namely: an expert company in gluing any materials, conveying information to the buyer about the benefits of cooperation, demonstration of the impeccable work of the client service, the use of modern communication channels.

A set of modern elements of retail equipment, the use of corporate colors in the design, a reasonable categorization of the product line, a reduced number of goods on the shelf, a dedicated area for test gluing, visual cleanliness formed a single holistic concept of the retail space, allowing the Client to understand for himself that he is faced with professionals, experts in their field, who will definitely solve the issue of “client pain” by 100%.
Each element of the interior performs important functions:
Table - designed for test gluing, thereby showing the unique properties and advantages of KLEIBERIT products and auxiliary materials.
Tablet - allows you to access the Internet, work with a chat bot, the company's website and YouTube channels, social networks, perform a quick search for products and process engineers, demonstrate gluing processes and client cases.
The "BOND WITH US" element is a black and white design that works simultaneously as a branding element and at the same time, to attract attention as an "eye stopper", due to its originality.
Monitor - designed to display video information about the manufacturer, a wide range of products, auxiliary materials and new products, training videos on various company products, current cases with Clients.
Shelf - designed to demonstrate mini stands with products and substrates, their use in gluing processes.
The rack is a mobile structure that can be quickly moved to any convenient place in the retail space. Designed for displaying products, auxiliary materials and various POS materials.
Floor graphics are a branding element that enlivens and personalizes an already informal retail space.

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